Therapeutic Riding
"STAR has been a huge blessing to our son William and our family. William is now 7 years old and he has a gross and fine motor disability from an acquired brain injury at age 2. Through participating in the program the last two years, we have seen an improvement in Will’s core strength and balance. He enjoys being around the horses and the staff and volunteers are so kind. His sisters also like to see the horses and hang out in the stable while he is riding. Thank you for making this possible!" - April, 2023 -William, 7, Brain Injury |
Therapeutic Riding
"Riding at STAR is a highlight of Joel's week. He has been riding around 20 years! He LOVES Mater and the staff and volunteers who always welcome him with open arms! He feels a sense of community at Star that he doesn't always feel elsewhere. We are very grateful to the many donors and volunteers who make this weekly favorite a reality for Joel!!" - April, 2023 -Joel, age 28 |
Therapeutic Riding
"Riding Snip at STAR has given Karis something special and fun to do that she looks forward to throughout the week. She is gaining confidence in grooming Snip and feels successful when she follows her instructor’s directions in the arena. Karis also loves the people who work and volunteer at STAR. Mr. Jeff, who is her side-walker, has been a great encourager and a patient helper. Ms. Robin and Ms. Kristen have brought fun challenges and games into her lessons. Karis says, "I love brushing Snip and hoof-picking her feet, and riding her!! STAR is GREAT! And I love it!"" -April, 2023 -Karis, 9 years old, Down Syndrome |
Changing STRIDES
“Since my child started this program he will sit in my room and talk to me about his mistakes and choices and how he wants to better himself and his life. He doesn’t want to go down the wrong path, he wants to improve himself! Your program helps so many children and you have helped mine!” - May, 2022 -Parent of a teenage participant |
Stable Friends
-Parents of spring 2023 participants |
"Reflections is something my client is always happy to attend. She grew up with horses, and having access to them now is incredible. She adores grooming them, and even just watching them. As her caregiver it makes me happy to see her happy. For about a week after each session, she has this underlying joy. She doesn’t know why, but I believe that it is from this program, that getting the interaction with the horses calms her and gives a little peace. Thank you for offering Reflections, it has been a wonderful activity for my client." -Caregiver of a participant, 2022 |